

Get out of your busy mind and awaken to the flow.

This is your chance to finally understand and experience the freedom that comes from Yoga.

Picture of Sarasvati feeling freedom in everyday life

Ready to get out of your busy mind, leave stress and anxiety behind and finally find inner joy and freedom?

Learn how to deal with that monkey mind once and for all.


Does your busy mind keep you trapped and hold you back?

Does being stuck in your head prevent you from having a good night’s sleep?

Do you get stuck in fear and anxiety, getting frustrated and irritable when things don’t go the way you think they should, and lose patience easily?

Do you turn things over in your head again and again, even when you know it won’t help?

Do you secretly feel not good enough?

Can you imagine what life would be like if you felt a constant peace and weren’t stuck in your head all the time?

Let’s be honest… you’re fed up with it.

You don’t want to feel this way anymore.

You know the negative impact it’s having in your life, your health, your relationships and even in your career.



*to make decisions with ease and confidence.

*to feel calm when dealing with life’s ups and downs without being drawn into mental turmoil every time things don’t go your way.

*to feel a constant state of inner peace and joy that will translate into easy and flowing relationships with your children, partner, family, friends and colleagues.

*to feel confident and trust that things will unfold naturally while you keep your cool.

* to be able to manage all life situations feeling centred and more relaxed, instead of going into panic mode.

If you are nodding along, then this is for you.

I’m here to tell you that it is possible.

I’m Sarasvati, and over the last 20 years the practices of yoga and meditation have made a huge difference to the way I experience life.

I no longer feel not quite good enough or that there is something missing. Learning to get out of my own head has made a profound difference to my life.

There is a lot of fluffy stuff out there in the spiritual world and I knew there had to be a way to cut through it and deliver a clear path that allows you to experience your life in a calm, centred, authentic and joyful way.

Introducing ...

A yoga ‘off the mat’ program that will deal with that monkey mind once and for all and take you to a place of quiet awareness, perspective, clarity and flow.

A combination of online learning modules, live group coaching calls, practical strategies, worksheets and an exclusive online group to support you every step of the way.

Fluff Free Freedom covers everything you need to bring peace, calm, and joy naturally into your life, without the fluff and overwhelm. (I left them out on purpose).

Here's what you will learn…

*You will learn to meditate properly so that you can see clearly what your mind can and can’t do for you, even if you have always struggled with meditation.

*You will learn what mindfulness is and isn’t, so that you can make the most of this life that you have.

*You will learn how to use the breath effectively so that you can deal with unexpected stresses.

*You will learn helpful behaviours and attitudes that can be easily incorporate into your every day life, so that life feels easier and a lot more free.

*We explore movement too, in a way that feels good to you, to support other aspects of your wellbeing.

It’s time to let go of old ways that keep you trapped and stuck and start living your life to the fullest, with joy and freedom.

Here's how Fluff-free freedom has changed some of my students' lives:


'A big transformation for me was accepting that life will continually throw up challenges. It has made a big difference to work through it without being caught up in all the drama. I think the structure of the course, the videos, the quizzes and worksheets were just right. The zoom meetings were very important to consolidate the teachings and discuss how they apply to our real life situations. The course will give you an insight into how your life can be more free with a focussed mind that works for you and not against you.'


'I don’t like it when things don’t go as planned and worry about being rejected by others if I don’t succeed at endeavours. I now feel much more relaxed about how things are going to go, it is not such a big deal if plans don’t work out as expected. I learnt that it takes a lot of energy to live up to the beliefs I have about myself, and that they are just ideas, embedded in my mind for years and not a true reflection of reality. The videos were a great way to deliver the content. We could watch them one or more times prior to the allocated zoom meeting. They were a good length and covered the concepts clearly and succinctly (without the fluff). The quizzes were good too and I really enjoyed the journey with the others in the zoom meetings.'


'I tended to over-think situations, about how I presented to others and wanted to make things right. I have become more aware of negative self-talk and insight to see the world from a new perspective. I have already recommended FFF to others.'

Here's what you will get inside Fluff-free freedom:



Here you are welcomed to the FFF community and introduced to what stops us from feeling free and what signposts you can expect from this work. 

You will be blown away by this module alone, and we will come back to it time and time again.


Monkey Mind

What is this monkey mind? Here you’ll look at some characteristics that all minds have, and what you can do to feel free.

You will learn the untold secrets that have kept you trapped up until now, and how to finally free yourself.


Meditation Matters

Here you will finally learn my proven way of practicing meditation, because this is key to getting to a state of inner freedom.

Different methods suit different people so you will learn and practice 3 different meditation techniques.

This module alone is life-changing, because once you incorporate these techniques into your life, nothing will be the same again.


Sweet Surrender

We have been conditioned to understand surrender as weak, but here you learn how to use surrender as a profound spiritual practice that leads to inner freedom (NOTE FOR CLARITY we do NOT surrender to another person, we continue to make our own choices).

You will discover how powerful this

practice is.


Use it or lose it

Here you explore the link between the physical and the mental, as often the physical practice is the route into the inner yoga. The practice on the mat supports your wellbeing in many ways.

You will notice the difference when you incorporate my own signature techniques for asana that honour your body whatever shape it is in and however you are feeling.


Purposeful Practice 

Here you explore the behaviours and attitudes that make a difference in living your life. Learn behaviours and attitudes that reduce the obstacles to your experience of freedom.


Brilliant Breath

Here you explore how the breath can be the link between body and mind, and also how to use the breath for quietening the mind.


Miraculous Mindfulness

Here you learn what mindfulness really is and how to do some simple mindfulness practices that slow the thoughts right down and help you to experience the present moment more fully.


Finding Focus

You learn that a mind that has been trained in meditation and other practices is more able to focus. You explore some different levels of focus. The many benefits of a mind that can stay focussed include more ease in feeling inner freedom.


Living Life

We start to tie it all together and learn how to build the practices into your everyday life, as this is your perfect practice ground for the work.


Finding Freedom

You learn what this freedom really is and what you have to do to experience it.

You check right back to the signposts from the first module and blow your mind with what you have achieved.


What really is yoga? 
Is yoga about stretching and a nice rest? What does the word ‘yoga’ even really mean? In this PDF Yoga is explained simply and clearly.
The 8 limbs of yoga
With this PDF you will understand the ancient path in modern context.
Yoga for a good night’s sleep
A video and PDF with simple tips and a practice to prepare for your best sleep

AND a guided trip through the body naming the major bones and muscles (audio)

What else are people saying about Fluff-free freedom?

Is Fluff-free freedom for you?

FFF will transform the way you see and interact with the world.

It is for you if:

*You are looking for more peace, tools to navigate life and more understanding of a spiritual path

*You get anxious, ruminate a lot, and are looking for peace and love within yourself

*You are already on a path of self-inquiry

*You are recovering from traumatic events

*You already have an interest or experience with yoga or meditation, including students and teachers

*You know there is more than the daily grind and want to find an inner richness and freedom

*You have heard of enlightenment, awakening, inner freedom (and there are lots of other names for this) and want the tools to explore your own inner transformation

This course is NOT for you if:

*You are already completely satisfied with all aspects of your life

*You are not willing to practice meditation

*You are not willing to look at your mind and its processes

*You feel confident that you already have all the pieces of the puzzle and how to apply them so as to feel inner freedom

So to recap, all up you’re getting:

A profound and life-changing transformation! Yes the value is high, but the price you pay is not.

*You get the tools that are not even taught in many yoga or meditation teacher training courses that take you to a state of inner freedom and how to be aware of your mind.

*You learn how to independently integrate meditation into your life for ongoing peace, calm and serenity.

*You get training in Yoga philosophy rendered in modern day language and in a fast-track method that is applicable for your everyday life.

*You get an 11-module course with videos, quizzes and worksheets that you get to download and keep forever.

*VIPs also get a weekly one-hour group zoom call for 12 weeks.

*PLUS all the bonuses


Priceless really, but I've made it accessible as I know this will change your life!

VIP (supported with live calls)

$647 or 3 payments of $219/month


DIY (self-paced)


30 day money-back guarantee

I stand by this course and am living proof of the benefits. If for some reason you are not happy, I offer a 30 day

money-back guarantee.

‘FFF helped me restart my slightly irregular meditation practice with the use of straightforward language, practical techniques and examples, no mysticism nor waffle.

I loved the conversational nature of the zoom meetings and looked forward to the generous sharing of thoughts and ideas every Wednesday night. 

The course would be great for complete beginners and for those who would like a refresher - it is a meditation ‘practice’ after all!

I've had some challenges to deal with lately (and who hasn't?) and I found that I could deal with them calmly and with acceptance. No need to feel hard done by. As a matter if fact, life is pretty darn great!

Thank you Sarasvati. Much love and gratitude.'

Lil x

You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers…

How much time do I need to put aside for this course?

1-2 hours a week if you are doing it with a VIP group, you also continue to contemplate the work as you go about your daily life.

What if I don’t have time to do the work?

You have lifetime access to the course content so you can take as long as you like to do it. The weekly zoom calls for the VIP group keep you on track and they are recorded so you can catch up later even if you had to miss any of them.

This is the only life we get, now is the time to consider how you want to live it.

How much time is living your best life worth?

Is the program worth the investment?

How much money is living your best life worth? This course pays you back right from the start.

And don’t forget you have lifetime access to the course content.

‘How much do you spend on going out for coffee? For the same time and expense in your own setting FFF will give you valuable insight and you will see the world from a new perspective.’ Helen

Is it going to work for me?

Perhaps like some of my students you have tried other courses before and nothing has worked? This program is different because it is complete, it is a whole structured path and it doesn’t leave you wondering. It is not just theory either, the worksheets and zoom calls are to make sure you apply the work to your life.

How is this course different from others?

There are a lot of course out there that either just scratch the surface or are full of fluff and theory.

FFF was designed to take you to a reliable experience of calmness and inner freedom.

If you get stuck I will personally help you through the zoom meetings (or personal chats or emails). I will hold your hand every step of the way.

If you commit to showing up and follow the program, you will find your state of inner joy and ease even if you have already done other courses and they didn’t work for you.

If you have done online courses before and they didn’t work, it is NOT because of you, but because most courses don’t give you the complete material and support.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, you can pay for the VIP course in 3 instalments. Scroll to the bottom of this page to find your payment options.

Joining the next VIP course is currently closed, but I can pop you onto the waiting list.

Joining the self-paced course is aways open

Just image the impact this course will have on your life.

Stop wondering and let me show you how transform your life from the inside out.

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